Parent Councils are the formal representative body for parents / carers with children attending school. Parent Councils are different in each school to enable them to meet the needs of parents / carers locally.
Parents are welcomed to be:
involved and engaged with their child’s education and learning; · be active participants in the life of the school; and
express their views on school education generally and work in partnership with their children's schools. All parents / carers are automatically members of the Parent Forum at their child’s school. As a member of the Parent Forum all parents can expect to –
receive information about the school and its activities;
hear about what partnership with parents means in our school; · be invited to be involved in ways and times that suit you;
identify issues you want the parent council to work on with the school;
be asked your opinion by the parent council on issues relating to the school and the education it provides;
work in partnership with staff; and
enjoy taking part in the life of the school in whatever way possible.
The Parent Forum decides how their representatives on the Parent Council are chosen and how the Parent Council operates. Parents / carers are encouraged to volunteer or put themselves forward to be chosen as representatives of the Parent Council if they wish.
Clober Parent Council meets termly, 7.30 – 9pm. The dates of all meeting are issued to parents in August. At the moment, due to COVID19 restrictions all meetings are online.
The chair of our Parent Council is Hannah Duncan. You can contact her at the Parent Council email address which is Please note that responses will be made within 5 working days.